
Monday, February 16, 2015

staying positive

We just moved back to North Dakota, unfortunately. I have been trying my hardest to stay positive about this decision. The job opportunity for Shawn is worth it, & winter is slowly turning into spring, so it's the perfect time to move. I am excited because we have friends here & it'll make the summer much more fun! I just don't really like this state unless it's warm, because it is so boring & there's no beauty to enjoy during all the snow storms & car accidents! I'm used to enjoying snow by looking at my big beautiful mountains, in Utah. Living here makes me more homesick for mountains. I'm just hoping it starts warming up so we can play outside again. 

Through all my mood swings about this move, I decided to start this week off on a positive note. //

My day has been so much better. I've been so happy & positive. Shawn started his new job - & we have been cuddled up by the heater all day. I'm laying here while Hudson naps, thinking about all the places I want to take him when it's warm out, imagining his excitement when our friend's dog has her puppies, catching tiny catfish at the pond, & bringing him the zoo we went to when I was pregnant with him! There's so many moments we miss out on by having a bad attitude. I've decided to make this move a positive thing. I'll be starting my classes in the next few months, Hudson's first birthday is next month, it's tax return season & every day is closer to summer time.