
Friday, November 14, 2014

Winter is here!

Our first summer with Hudson flew by so fast- I was so sad when it started getting cold! Now, I'm even more bummed cause Wyoming only had a couple weeks of beautiful fall weather. It's officially winter!! We winterized our camper, plugged in all our heaters, & started using the crockpot every day!

As much as I miss the warm days & going on adventures with Hudson all day, I know our first winter together will be a blast! I can't wait to have our own Christmas! Usually Shawn & I just drove home to Utah & switch off between our families. But this year, we want to keep it simple & do our own thing. I'm so excited! Hudson's first Christmas will be a memorable one! If anyone has any cute craft ideas, send 'em my way! 

Hudson has done surprisingly well being inside all day. We usually get cabin fever pretty easy- so we have to do lots of activities to keep us busy! He is scooting/army crawling all over the house! Any time I'm doing workouts or yoga, he is pulling himself up on me or trying to pick up the weights. Haha it definitely makes my workouts take longer! I don't mind though - I have my whole life to workout, & only a few short years of him being this little & learning so many new things! He has been testing out trying to stand on his own & it scares me so bad!! He even gets this excited look on his face, like he's so big & proud! I think he will be walking before he's even one! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Post Baby Body!

Getting my body back after Hudson has not been as easy as I imagined! I thought, for some reason, I would be one of those lucky girls who doesn't get any stretch marks & got their body back just weeks after giving birth. FALSE. I ate relatively healthy during my pregnancy, but I definitely indulged a lot. I wouldn't change a thing though! I drank a green smoothie every day, snacked on almonds, drank tons of water, had an apple & orange a day, only organic/noGMO, etc. It was crazy! But there's nothing more rewarding than having a healthy, smart baby boy when those long months end.

Since having Hudson, I have busted my butt getting back in shape! I started going on daily 2 mile walks 6 weeks post-partum, eating 60% healthy, & doing little Pinterest workouts. I rarely worked out while I was pregnant, so my muscles were like jelly! I cried during my first plank! I am so happy to finally be back to normal. My body is so much different though. Not as firm & my belly is still pretty loose & fluffy. I try not to be too hard on myself though. I just make it a goal to be better than I was the day before. Especially with clean eating. Cause some days, I need a freshly baked cookie or pizza on a Friday night! I feel so much better when I've been eating clean, that alone, is worth not giving in to crappy food.

Now that its getting colder, I thought it would be hard to stay on track- mainly because I was living off fresh fruits & vegetables all summer! There is nothing better than starting your day with a bowl of fresh fruit! Ah! I already miss my daily pineapple fix. I started searching healthy fall recipes on Pinterest, and surprisingly, I love them! We are already adding them into our weekly meals. I have been stocking up on zucchini, squash, & apples. It is so easy & simple to just cut up some zucchini, toss it into some coconut oil & put on top of some brown rice or quinoa. I love it! The hardest part about eating healthy is the convenience. I try to keep Luna Bars, almonds, boiled eggs, Skinny Pop & a water bottle in my diaper bag at all times. It has kept me from grabbing random foods when I'm out n about! With a busy baby like Hudson, I have to have back-up snacks just in case we get caught up playing at the park or wandering around book stores!

I will be updating a lot on my progress with eating clean & getting bikini ready for next summer, mostly because I know it will keep me accountable, but also because I know how much I love a good mom/fitness blog!

life via camera roll // the past few weeks

7 months

Loves: appliances, eating anything he can get his hands on, climbing all over mama, seeing his reflection, trees, grass, animals, & bath time!

Dislikes: having his face wiped off, being changed in public places, riding in the car at night, rice cereal.

He is at such a fun age & it is a blast being able to play with him all day. He is just learning to scoot around & has been sitting up for a few weeks. He loves to eat! When he's grumpy, all you have to do is show him a microwave or the fridge. I don't know why he loves appliances so much but it never stops making me laugh. We are even thinking of bringing him to Home Depot to show him all the fridges! He is definitely starting to grab everything - I have to keep an eye on him constantly. I love it though! He is so smart & fearless. Which also scares me! I don't know what I'm going to do when this kid is walking! Every day he learns something new & becomes more independent. I'm trying to enjoy every stage he goes through because they pass so quickly!! Being a mom is seriously the best. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Utah //

have been visiting Utah for a few weeks now & it's the first time I've been away from Shawn with Hudson. I'm so ready to be back to routine & have my little family back together! We wouldn't have normally stayed so long but my big sister flew out for 10 days & I couldn't miss out on all of the siblings & grandbabies finally being together! The days went by so quickly. Sitting in a room with all of them felt surreal. Staring at my mom & sisters, remembering exactly why I always wanted to grow up & be a mix of all three. Watching all the kids interact was seriously priceless!  

Hudson is growing right before my eyes. I get pretty emotional about it. That kid is my whole world. He is such a happy little guy & it amazes me to watch him light up a room - even a room full of strangers. His happiness is the reason I wake up every morning. The last couple weeks, he has been teething, having a growth spurt & caught his first cold. It was pretty rough. But between his fevers, our long naps, stroller rides & constant distraction - he stayed happy. Smiling through the coughs & laughing while trying to bite everyone's fingers off! He officially has 2 adorable teeth, almost sitting up & we have been introducing food! I'm hoping to get back on track with posting his monthly updates - there's so much that needs to be documented. Time is just flying!! I can't believe he's almost 6 months. Ahh!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

settle down

We have started getting comfortable in the new (old) apartment we moved into. But we both feel like something is missing! We keep coming up with ideas like, moving back into the camper & going to a smaller town where there's more outdoor activities that we enjoy. There's a few other opportunities that have come up also - ones I won't share til we know more information. But, we are restless! I thought having Hudson would make us feel more settled- in so many ways, it has, but we love our adventures & while he's still small enough where moving around doesn't affect schooling, we might as well! Even then, maybe I'll just home school him. ;) There are no set plans yet, but I'm hoping we don't choose to stay in one spot. It always seemed like such a hassle moving around for his work, but now we are getting the itch to do it again! 

As far as post partum goes, I think I'm back to my old self! Granted, I still have a few more pounds left to lose& I'm definitely trying to get rid of the loose skin on my belly! Our bodies are so amazing. After giving birth, I felt like I was learning how to function all over again! But now, I'm back to working out at least an hour a day, eating clean 80% of the time & always drinking water! I'm not doing any extreme diets or cleansing to reach my goal. This is a lifestyle, not a short term goal. Also- with breastfeeding, I would never risk my supply lowering just because I want to drop extra weight! It's so crazy to get back to normal though. I miss pregnancy every day - & I never felt more beautiful than when this little guy was growing in my belly. But now I get to feel that way everytime I look at him. My little love. 

I'm working on a few projects right now & can't wait to share them with you all! Having Hudson has made me more motivated & more determined than ever to chase my dreams & be the best mama possible. I can't even imagine the girl I was before my little Hudson came along. Every day gets sweeter & sweeter.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Sunday morning with Hudson all to myself, drinking my coffee & listening to quiet music that's making me wish it was fall. These moments are some of my favorite, now that I'm a mama. Baby sleeping in my arms, smiling & holding onto me - imagining all the adventures we'll go on, the things I'll teach him, the music he'll discover & all the little things that will fascinate him that I take for granted every day. But for now, I'm so happy that he's my four month old, sweet baby boy. Relaxing & resting up for another rolling session in the living room. He is the reason I was created - love this nugget so much. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Every night, after we've put Hudson to bed- we lay down & talk about how amazing he is. Look through all our pictures/videos & of course, I usually find an excuse to go check on him. It's also like that when he naps during the day! I love the break & being able to get stuff done, but I feel like half of me isn't there because he's not awake & I can't see that little boy's face light up when I'm kissing him & telling him how much I love him. There is no better feeling. 

This week he experienced Brother Bear for the first time - & for those of you that don't know, that's one of my favorites! His reaction honestly made me cry. I'm ridiculous- these mama emotions are insane. Hudson was kicking, smiling, making noises, yelling & laughing! I couldn't even handle the cuteness. It's so fun to watch him experience things like that. Another thing he learned this week is how to pop his tongue! We do it back n forth all the time now. He gets the biggest smile when I do it!

I adore seeing him grow & learn, but it is definitely bittersweet. I wish I could freeze time! He is getting so big & developing the sweetest personality. I love him more, every day! We always talk about how slow time goes by those last few weeks, waiting for our boy & how once he was born, time just sped up! Days pass so quickly. I'm really hoping that once we get settled into our new place, time will slow down! But for now, I'll embrace every second- because I know these little moments will pass.

Oh, we found a new place! We have moved so many times since Hudson was born! I'm hoping this is the last time for a while. Our apartment is in a 4-plex, the exterior is pink & it needs a little work before we feel completely at home there! Tonight we are re painting the interior. This weekend we will move in, but there will still be remodeling going on. The beginning of the week, we have someone putting in new flooring in the kitchen & bathroom. Along with us installing new cabinets & countertops! I'm pretty excited to have a project & make it feel like home, but I can't wait to get it all done! I have been thrifting so much lately - finding all sortsa treasures for our new home. I'll have to post pictures when things get more settled! 

Shawn has been working 6 days a week & still coming home to go do work on the new place - I don't know what I would ever do without him. He still manages to be sweet as ever & even rock Hudson to sleep so I can lay down & relax. That hubby of mine is a total babe. 

holding on with his hand & foot

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

[ 2 months ]

my little man is growing more every day - & I'm falling more n more in love with him. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Transitioning to Mama Bear

Being a mother is seriously the best thing. Ever. I know it sounds cliche- but I've never felt more comfortable in my own skin. He has changed me 100%. He motivates me to be a better person, not just a better mom. I find myself getting emotional over anything to do with family. It is really the most beautiful blessing. Now that he's here, I can't imagine my life without him. I don't know how my mornings were ever happy without waking up to his cute little toothless smile.

Before Hudson, my days consisted of sleeping in til noon, drinking coffee til 3, working out, cleaning, making dinner & playing on Pinterest all day. Then my weekends were going on adventures with my hubby & taking lots of naps! I had no idea how boring I was. I told Shawn just last night that I've always fantasized about being a mom, and how much fun I would have with my baby- but now, I fantasize about my white cloud-like bed & a long nap. He reminded me that I've been the queen of sleep for years & that I lived it up before becoming a mama. Haha // he also made a comment about how nice it is for me to be tired at 9 instead of bugging him to stay up and watch movies with me every night, like I used to. Granted, Hudson has started sleeping through the night & it has been heavenly but I wake up naturally, just to check on him. Mom senses are no joke! 

We are getting pretty used to his schedule & it makes planning outings much easier! Although, I'm still trying to get used to trying to nurse in public. It is so awkward, and Hudson isn't crazy about being completely covered! Every morning, I go running/walking at the park & Hud absolutely loves it. He usually sleeps, but when he's awake, he is SO happy listening to all the different birds chirping! Seeing him in the stroller helps me push myself harder too- sounds crazy, but I remind myself that I gave birth to that little cutie & labor is much harder than running up a hill! While giving birth, my mom kept telling me "You can do hard things!!" & I say it to myself all the time. Not just when I'm working out! Not every day is heaven with a baby, sometimes he is a fussy little punk & doesn't want to do anything but yell at my boob & fuss when he's not nursing! So on those days, I've learned to get some snacks, turn on a movie & just love on him! I'm tellin' you, it took me a while to figure out how to be patient. I can't even tell you how many times I called my mom crying about how I couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom & it was 5 o'clock & I still hadn't eaten! Haha I'm so glad that he's more content & actually likes being in his monkey chair so I can have a break!

It is so crazy that my baby will be 10 weeks tomorrow! Every day goes by so quick. He is already growing out of newborn clothes & wears size 1 diapers- almost ready for the next size. Ah!! Where has the time gone? He talks to me all day & has started watching animated movies with me! I can lay him down on his boppy & he will just lay there amazed at the screen, sucking on his fist! He is obsessed with his hands lately! It's the funniest thing! Instead of waking up crying, I can hear him sucking on his hands. Its so cute to wake up to! He is getting so chunky, I am always nibbling on his rolls & kissing his chubby cheeks! He already gives me looks like I'm crazy whenever I smooch him all over his face! I love it so much. He is the cutest thing in the world!

I'm still working on my Labor & Delivery story- it's taking me forever! There is just so much to tell & I don't want to forget little details! It already seems like I'm forgetting some of it! My mind is just all over the place. That's one thing I wish I had done right after I had him! So, advice to other new mama's- write it down! They sleep so much the first few weeks & there's definitely time! I still had such a strong nesting instinct the first couple weeks so in my spare time, I was deep cleaning everything & doing laundry. Don't do that. Haha it doesn't help you heal any sooner & you'll be even more drained! It's so funny how during all the painful contractions, I kept thinking I only wanted one kid now, because it hurt so bad! But then after the whole experience was over & he was in my arms- I wanted to do it all over again. Its so amazing. Ah. That's another bit of advice for new mama's // Don't let horror stories about L&D scare you- it will hurt, you will feel like it is impossible to get that baby out of you, but you're made for this! I remember I was most nervous about being spread eagle in front of people, but once its happening, you don't even notice because your mind is completely focused on getting your little sweetheart out! 

Anyway, I'm getting anxious now that Hudson has been napping for two hours. I'm ready to play with my baby!! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Life with baby Hudson

Our new life as a family has been an absolute dream. My whole life, I imagined what it would be like to be a mother- I could have never imagined that it would be this amazing. Don't get me wrong, it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life - but it's getting easier! The first 6 weeks were rough! I never knew how crazy lack of sleep can make you. Hudson has been such a good baby, though. The hard parts have mostly been due to my post partum hormones! The hormones gave me a rash that is just barely going away! It got worse the more I nursed! Luckily, it's started to go away now that my hormones have evened out!

Hudson is such a happy & smart baby! I love spending my days with him - watching him learn & seeing his big smile everytime I talk to him. It's hard to believe that he's almost 8 weeks old! Days go by so quick! 

Our life has been so blessed with this little boy. Everything revolves around him. We lay down in bed, just talking & watching him! Shawn is such a great dad - it's made me fall more in love with him everyday! He helps so much & is willing to do anything so this mama can relax. He leaves the house at 5 am & sometimes gets home as late as 8! After a long day, he still takes Hudson & makes me go for a drive or brings me flowers & chocolate. We've learned so much about each other through this experience & became closer than ever. I couldn't imagine sharing a life with anyone else. I feel so honored to be his wife & to be Hudson's mother. 

I've been writing my Labor & Delivery story & I'm hoping to share it soon! Finding time to blog is much different now - how do all these moms do it?! Total rockstars. Adjusting to a schedule revolving around a newborn has been interesting. But, I can't wait to share his birth story with all of you! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


So, I'm still pregnant... 

||Pregnancy Questions||

How far along?  40 weeks 

Stretch marks? Yes indeed. Starting to get irritated when clothes rub against them. Ugh..

Sleep? Bout the same! I feel pretty lucky with that!

Miss anything? I couldn't possibly name all of the things I miss. I miss normal things even more now that I'm passed my due date! Haha 

Movement? Always! It makes me so anxious that I can feel him squirming in my arms soon. 

Cravings? I haven't been craving anything - but I have decided to indulge in snacks & some junk food because I haven't my whole pregnancy & I'll be eating super clean & healthy again once he's out. So excited to get my body back!

Belly button- in or out? I would say it's half n half. Haha 

Feeling? Pretty tired & uncomfortable. Sometimes I get emotional too- I'm just so ready to hold my son.

This is officially my last pregnancy update! Woooo!! If/when I hit 41 weeks, I'll be at the hospital being induced! I had my last appointment & haven't had much progress since last time. Still dilated to a 2 but now I'm 80% effaced! He stripped my membranes again hoping to speed things up, but I doubt it'll do any good. This little guy is quite cozy in there!

I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable. He is getting big & my Braxton Hicks have been knocking the breath out of me! I haven't had many real contractions yet, that I know of! Hubby rubs my back every night after I put heat on it for a few minutes. It seems to help me relax & that makes it much easier to fall asleep! 

We have everything ready for this babe to make his debut! Hospital bag is packed, everything is washed, car seat is in the car & I have all my things for nursing & healing afterwords. Anytime now, baby boy! Also, we have his full name picked out & I'm just dying to share it. Only a few more days!! Can't wait til my posts are mostly of our little nugget! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Counting down!

I'm officially four days away from my due date! At this point, I'm not near as nervous as I was a few weeks ago. I think I've come to a peaceful realization that if I stay positive & strong, it'll help get me through labor & delivery. I'm a firm believer that maintaining a positive mind set can go a long way! 

The past week I've started getting pretty uncomfortable. He is getting heaving & now that he is dropping, it feels like I can barely walk or that he could just fall out at any time! Haha // my nights are getting interesting too. Shawn wakes up from a dead sleep offering to help me get out of bed every two hours. This belly is no joke! I can tell that baby boy has way less room now, but he still squirms just as much! Everyone said I would start to feel him less during this last month, but I'm pretty sure he took that as a challenge! I feel him non-stop! I can almost grab onto his little feet. I'm not complaining though- he makes me so happy, even when he keeps me up til 4 am practicing his moves! 

I think I am actually starting to get kind of emotional about not being able to feel him in my belly soon. I know that having him here will be the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me, but I know for sure that I'll miss it. I feel like I've really embraced every aspect of my pregnancy though. Rarely have any complaints- even through the hard times. I love feeling his movements, hiccups & stretches! It feels like just yesterday I was getting excited over his little flutters, & now he is big n strong, ready to come out & change our whole life! 

Oh, & for anyone who is wondering about visiting us when he's born- we plan on only having our immediate family visit at the hospital. Once we are home & feeling up to it, we will have friends come visit! I know it's a bummer to wait, but I don't feel bad cause he is ours & we want to experience the first few days just us three. I will not be giving out info on our hospital or room number & our family is being advised not to either. I have already had some interesting responses to our plan, but I seriously don't feel even a little guilty. We still love you all, but we want him to ourselves for a bit. :)

Update on baby - we had our appointment today! I've only progressed a little but I'm up to 2 centimeters dilated & 50% effaced. He did a membrane sweep & I've already been feeling quite crampy from that. We are hoping he will come on or before his due date! I have my next appointment the day after he's due, but hopefully I won't have to go to that one & he'll be here already! 

Mango icee in hand- walking the canyon to get this boy out!

Me & my handsome - just waitin' on our little fella. [hopin' he looks just like his daddy] 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pregnancy Q's & Bump Update

||Pregnancy Questions||

How far along?  38 weeks

Stretch marks?  Yes!

Sleep? Sadly, my sleep is getting worse every night. It's just hard to stay comfortable!

Miss anything? REAL sushi. I've been on a sushi kick & California Rolls are getting old!

Movement? All the time - especially now that Daddy is home. He goes crazy in there when he talks.

Cravings? Maybe the sushi is considered a craving? But not really, mostly ice water still!

Belly button- in or out? Still mostly flat, the top pops out sometimes though.

Feeling? So ready to be a mama! 

I know you guys are probably ready for me to stop posting about my belly and all these crazy questions, but now that I'm so close to my due date, I want to update as much as I can! This pregnancy is almost over- which completely blows my mind! Did it fly by to everyone else too? At the beginning, 40 weeks sounds like a lifetime but before you know it, you're nesting & just waiting for the baby. Ah! I'm so excited to NOT feel the nesting instinct though, I just want to relax! I'm always doing some kind of project. Cleaning baseboards, sanitizing the whole apartment- every day. Everything is so organized! I thought I was bad before, but WOW.

One thing I've noticed the past couple weeks is that I'm very anti-social! [I'm sorry to anyone who feels like I'm a bad friend.] I'm so scatterbrained, and the only thing I can think about is the upcoming weeks, and becoming a mother. It's hard for me to focus on anything else. I've talked to a few mom friends, & they all say they were the same way! Now that my hubby is home, its probably worse too. I just want to cuddle up with him, talk to our boy, and wait for him to arrive! 

Oh! I can't believe I forgot to mention my new blog design! I have been following/obsessing over this awesome girl, Heidi on Instagram for a little over a year now, and she agreed to help my ideas come to life! She did even better than I imagined. I'm completely obsessed with my logo/header. You should all check out her blog here! She is definitely a jack of all trades- you will love her! 

Anywho, I guess the only other update I have is that I went to the Dr yesterday & I've only dilated a 1/2 centimeter since last week. I'm starting to think he's pretty cozy in there! Every girl I know is either having their baby early or they are on the verge of it. Even ones due after me! It's pure torture. I really just want to hold my baby boy. I love being pregnant & I need to enjoy these last few weeks being just with Shawn but I think we are both getting anxious at this point. Come on, little guy!! 

Even my niece is ready for him. ;)

〈〈 38 weeks 〉〉

ready for you, baby boy. 

I've been away from my handsome husband for 6 weeks & he finally got home two nights ago! I'm so happy to have my other half back- I was starting to go crazy! It's such a relief that now he will be here whenever our son decides to make his grand appearance! I've been so worried that I would go into labor early & I would have to do it all without him by my side. I feel so blessed. I can't believe we will be a family of three in just a couple weeks! 

Everything is ready for our little man at this point! I've almost finished washing all his things & started packing our hospital bag. I'm hoping to have everything done by my 39 week mark. Ah, where has my pregnancy gone?! This strong baby boy will be out of my belly & in my arms before we know it. I am so, so excited! 

My nights have definitely started getting more uncomfortable, which was expected- especially with how close I am. It's just getting more awkward & hard to switch from side to side. Then I almost get up 6 times a night, regardless of how much I drink! When I actually sleep, it's good sleep though. But as for right now, he is doing some intense karate moves in my belly & making it far too amusing & ticklish for me to sleep! I have Braxton Hicks a TON throughout the day & night. I don't think they hurt, they are mostly just tense & my belly clenching makes it hard to move. I've been drinking lots of Raspberry Leaf Tea & I think it makes me have even more mini contractions.  I've heard great things about the wonders of the tea & it makes me happy cause it tastes sensational. It doesn't take much to please me in the tea department though, I love most teas. No sugar, no honey- just tea. Aaahhhh :)

Pregnancy has been such an amazing journey & I think it's definitely been the greatest thing I've ever experienced. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I have fallen asleep smiling every night. He is the most incredible blessing. He has already changed me in countless ways - & I can't wait to see the ways he continues to change me. Becoming his mama bear will be the greatest adventure -I can't wait to meet this little cub. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

||Pregnancy Questions||

How far along?  37 weeks

Stretch marks?  YES! I all of a sudden started getting so many. I thought it would bum me out, but I honestly don't even mind them. He is worth every single one!

Sleep? Still sleeping good! If I didn't pee 4-6 times a night, I would say there is zero complaints on my sleep! ;)

Miss anything? Now that I'm so close to the end, and so huge - I miss everything! I can't wait to do things on my own again, and even walk without this waddle!

Movement? Still constant movement! He is getting so big & strong in there!

Cravings? Haven't really been experiencing cravings lately- just always thirsty for an ice water!

Belly button- in or out? Flat button! Sometimes it pokes out a little if I've eaten lots though!

Feeling? I'm feeling good! I get exhausted fast & I can't walk around for long - but other than that, I'm just so over excited about meeting my baby!!!

Yesterday I had my 37 week appointment! Baby boy is still doing great, already in position to come out! I am 1 centimeter dilated & 50% effaced! I'm just hoping he will stay in there a little bit longer & wait for Daddy to drive from Wyoming! It's so cool to think that in less than a month I'll be able to hold him in my arms & that he will be ours - forever!

I'll definitely miss playing games with him in there though. Usually he will kick water bottles right off my belly!

In other news - Shawn got me my mama car!! It's a 2010 Mazda CX-7.We have been looking for months & I finally found this one. I loved it instantly. It's a smooth ride, very comfy, gorgeous interior, lots of space, & it came with a tv that folds down on the ceiling so I can play movies for our little man during our many road trips! 

I'm not sure there's anything else to update you guys on! - but, if anyone has any advice on things they highly suggest me packing in my hospital bag, then please feel free to send me a list or the things you just couldn't live without! 

▸▸▸ katie 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Restless Mama

I am so blown away by how fast my pregnancy has gone by. It is still surreal that I'm even having a baby! I'm already so in love with this sweet little soul and I know I'm in for the most intense love I've ever known. He will be here in less than a month! I know I've said this before but, this pregnancy has been the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. It is truly remarkable that my body was made for this. I think I've been pretty blessed though- I've had it pretty easy. I am just barely starting to get uncomfortable, and even that just depends on how he's situated in there. I have slept great the entire time, until tonight! But I think that's only because I am so excited! I day dream about him being here, then when it's time to sleep, I have problems shutting my brain off! I can't wait to just have him in my arms.

So, a little update on our life right now... Sadly, I'm in Utah while Shawn works in Wyoming. It is so hard being away from him. Especially while being pregnant. Baby E loves hearing daddy's voice, and I know Shawn hates not being able to hold on to my belly every night and feel his little boy moving around. It is so hard being away from my other half, but everything we do now, is for our son. He is already worth every minute we have to be apart. Shawn's job moves around a lot, and it's very unpredictable! So, we decided to rent out my mom's basement until his job signs on a long term contract somewhere. Hopefully it will only be a couple months! I'm so grateful for my hard working husband. He is amazing! 

My Dr. appointments have been going great! I'll now be going in every week for check-ups! Baby boy is measuring perfectly. I've gained about 21 pounds at this point - and my Dr. is guessing that he will weigh between 7 and 8 pounds! I'm starting to get pretty nervous about giving birth. I have felt so peaceful, and at ease with the thought of it, until recently when every woman decides to tell me her horror story! So, I've decided to kindly ask them to save their story for after I give birth to my little guy. I know my body was meant for this, and that he will be worth every bit of the pain and torture. Even though, I fully plan on getting an epidural- I'm still scared and worried! I'm hoping everything will go smoothly and that he will be a healthy, strong, little chunk. 

I'm pretty sure we have finally decided on a name for him too! We still have a few back up names, just in case the one we like doesn't fit! But we won't be announcing it until the big day! We have gone through so many names, and changed our minds a million times! It's so hard to name a person! Especially because Shawn and I both think he needs a strong name that will fit him for life, not just a cute baby name. I can't wait to share it with you guys!! 

-- I will do my pregnancy questions on my next post, and put up some bump pictures! 
xx, Katie

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'm the worst blogger!

Well, seeing as being a better blogger is one of my resolutions this year - I probably should get on that! Once I sit down to write, between letters to my baby & journal entries, I'm pretty drained before getting to my blog. So maybe I'll just try to blog once a week! 

2014 has been pretty good to us so far! We are starting to get extremely anxious with the arrival of our baby boy in 9 weeks. This pregnancy has flown by! It seems weird that I'm almost done with this journey, and preparing to start an even better one. We have moved so many times in these 8 months, it's crazy! I think between moving & trips home, it's helped the time pass! I have a feeling it will start to slow down because of how excited we are, & how crowded my belly is getting! 

I still don't have many complaints about pregnancy. There's definitely days where I'm more uncomfortable & just wish he could be out already, but it's so amazing going through this experience. We got a 3D/4D ultrasound just a few days ago & it was SO cool! Definitely worth the extra money! We were so happy when we got to see his squishy face. He was still stubborn, just like he's been in all my ultrasounds! He was hiding most of his face & trying to sleep. It was so neat though- cause usually we can't get good pictures because he won't hold still! He seemed so content in there. Just smiling, sticking his tongue out, & poking out his perfect lips! Did I mention that he is a chunk?! Oh man. If you didn't know this, chunky babies are my favorite & as soon as I laid eyes on those cheeks, I instantly had the urge to kiss & squeeze em! I could go on for days talking about all the things I'm excited to do with my babe, but I'll resist. Haha 

||Pregnancy Questions|| -

How far along?  31 weeks

Stretch marks? Not really- there are a few small ones, but none on my belly so far. 

Sleep? Now that he's getting more crowded, it's definitely harder to stay comfortable or even breathe! But yoga & little workouts help move him down so he's not up in my ribs! 

Miss anything? Haha! Umm.. Putting on my own shoes without cussing, ab workouts, sleeping on my belly & feeling sexy! (Any woman who feels sexy at this stage is very lucky- I feel beautiful but no where near sexy) 

Movement? All the time! My belly is always doing crazy things. Playing tag with him is my favorite! 

Cravings? Still fruit! I can't stop eating it. 

Belly button- in or out? It's sorta just flat! I thought it would have popped out by now! So we'll see. ;)

Feeling? I feel good for the most part. I get really short of breath though. Even just from talking! Some days are hard, but I just try to relax, stretch & drink lots of water. 

I am getting maternity photos done when I go to Utah for my baby showers, so I will definitely post some updated bump pictures!