
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Our Son

I know I'm a little late announcing this on my blog, and I'm sure most of you already know, but we are having a BOY!! When I got my first ultrasound, Shawn & I instantly looked at each other saying "It's a boy!" So for 5 weeks we waited impatiently for the gender ultrasound. I would have been happy either way but after feeling so sure it was a boy, we were so excited to see very clearly that it's a boy! I was scared that we wouldn't get to find out because he is SO stubborn! Not only that, but he is a busy little guy. We couldn't get him to sit still long enough to get good pictures. I wanted a shot of his cute tush, and what does he do?! Puts his hands on his bum and starts kicking around. Haha! Needless to say, we are so in love with him. His movements are getting stronger every day, and although it'll get uncomfortable through the last part of my pregnancy, his kicks keep this mama stress free. I'm always laughing and resting my hand on my belly for that next big nudge. I feel extremely blessed.

The past few weeks have been so great! I've been visiting here in Utah with my family, then took a trip to Arizona to visit my brothers, dad, & best friend! It was so amazing. This is my last little vacation before I'm uncomfortably huge & a new mama. My trip home has been fantastic, but longer than expected- although its nice, I miss my husband so bad it hurts. Since finding out about our baby, he bargained with his job to get us out of North Dakota. Neither of us want to raise our baby there. I especially can't handle being that far away from my mom with her new grand baby. We will be living in Wyoming (6 hrs away) until his job transfers to Colorado! I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to decorate a little home & finally put all my ideas into our boy's nursery! Things finally feel like they're falling into place. 

I have had so many people asking what we will name our tiny, but we seriously have no idea! We have looked through so many names, its unreal! So for the time being, we are going to stop looking because I don't wanna feel rushed into choosing the name he will have the rest of his life. Shawn & I only agree on a few names, and its definitely not worth arguing over. We both deserve to love his name! So if anyone has some cute suggestions, send 'em our way! 

||Pregnancy Questions|| -

How far along?  22 weeks & 5 days

Stretch marks? Still none, but I am starting to get the dark line down my belly!

Sleep? Some nights are harder than others, but I'm still getting tons of sleep.

Miss anything? Abs, sushi, & sleeping on my belly!

Movement? All I ever feel is movement! He is one busy babe! It's the best feeling in the world.

Cravings? Coke - but I'm fighting it as much as I can. I'm such a health nut & I never drink soda normally. So if I give in, its in moderation! 

Belly button- in or out? In - but not for long! 

Feeling? I've been good other than the stomach bug I've had the last few days! I've started to have more pressure on my back, but that just comes with the territory! Especially since he's finally weighing in at 1 pound! Seems small, I know- but he was the size of a peanut. :)