
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Post Baby Body!

Getting my body back after Hudson has not been as easy as I imagined! I thought, for some reason, I would be one of those lucky girls who doesn't get any stretch marks & got their body back just weeks after giving birth. FALSE. I ate relatively healthy during my pregnancy, but I definitely indulged a lot. I wouldn't change a thing though! I drank a green smoothie every day, snacked on almonds, drank tons of water, had an apple & orange a day, only organic/noGMO, etc. It was crazy! But there's nothing more rewarding than having a healthy, smart baby boy when those long months end.

Since having Hudson, I have busted my butt getting back in shape! I started going on daily 2 mile walks 6 weeks post-partum, eating 60% healthy, & doing little Pinterest workouts. I rarely worked out while I was pregnant, so my muscles were like jelly! I cried during my first plank! I am so happy to finally be back to normal. My body is so much different though. Not as firm & my belly is still pretty loose & fluffy. I try not to be too hard on myself though. I just make it a goal to be better than I was the day before. Especially with clean eating. Cause some days, I need a freshly baked cookie or pizza on a Friday night! I feel so much better when I've been eating clean, that alone, is worth not giving in to crappy food.

Now that its getting colder, I thought it would be hard to stay on track- mainly because I was living off fresh fruits & vegetables all summer! There is nothing better than starting your day with a bowl of fresh fruit! Ah! I already miss my daily pineapple fix. I started searching healthy fall recipes on Pinterest, and surprisingly, I love them! We are already adding them into our weekly meals. I have been stocking up on zucchini, squash, & apples. It is so easy & simple to just cut up some zucchini, toss it into some coconut oil & put on top of some brown rice or quinoa. I love it! The hardest part about eating healthy is the convenience. I try to keep Luna Bars, almonds, boiled eggs, Skinny Pop & a water bottle in my diaper bag at all times. It has kept me from grabbing random foods when I'm out n about! With a busy baby like Hudson, I have to have back-up snacks just in case we get caught up playing at the park or wandering around book stores!

I will be updating a lot on my progress with eating clean & getting bikini ready for next summer, mostly because I know it will keep me accountable, but also because I know how much I love a good mom/fitness blog!

life via camera roll // the past few weeks

7 months

Loves: appliances, eating anything he can get his hands on, climbing all over mama, seeing his reflection, trees, grass, animals, & bath time!

Dislikes: having his face wiped off, being changed in public places, riding in the car at night, rice cereal.

He is at such a fun age & it is a blast being able to play with him all day. He is just learning to scoot around & has been sitting up for a few weeks. He loves to eat! When he's grumpy, all you have to do is show him a microwave or the fridge. I don't know why he loves appliances so much but it never stops making me laugh. We are even thinking of bringing him to Home Depot to show him all the fridges! He is definitely starting to grab everything - I have to keep an eye on him constantly. I love it though! He is so smart & fearless. Which also scares me! I don't know what I'm going to do when this kid is walking! Every day he learns something new & becomes more independent. I'm trying to enjoy every stage he goes through because they pass so quickly!! Being a mom is seriously the best.