
Wednesday, March 19, 2014


So, I'm still pregnant... 

||Pregnancy Questions||

How far along?  40 weeks 

Stretch marks? Yes indeed. Starting to get irritated when clothes rub against them. Ugh..

Sleep? Bout the same! I feel pretty lucky with that!

Miss anything? I couldn't possibly name all of the things I miss. I miss normal things even more now that I'm passed my due date! Haha 

Movement? Always! It makes me so anxious that I can feel him squirming in my arms soon. 

Cravings? I haven't been craving anything - but I have decided to indulge in snacks & some junk food because I haven't my whole pregnancy & I'll be eating super clean & healthy again once he's out. So excited to get my body back!

Belly button- in or out? I would say it's half n half. Haha 

Feeling? Pretty tired & uncomfortable. Sometimes I get emotional too- I'm just so ready to hold my son.

This is officially my last pregnancy update! Woooo!! If/when I hit 41 weeks, I'll be at the hospital being induced! I had my last appointment & haven't had much progress since last time. Still dilated to a 2 but now I'm 80% effaced! He stripped my membranes again hoping to speed things up, but I doubt it'll do any good. This little guy is quite cozy in there!

I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable. He is getting big & my Braxton Hicks have been knocking the breath out of me! I haven't had many real contractions yet, that I know of! Hubby rubs my back every night after I put heat on it for a few minutes. It seems to help me relax & that makes it much easier to fall asleep! 

We have everything ready for this babe to make his debut! Hospital bag is packed, everything is washed, car seat is in the car & I have all my things for nursing & healing afterwords. Anytime now, baby boy! Also, we have his full name picked out & I'm just dying to share it. Only a few more days!! Can't wait til my posts are mostly of our little nugget! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Counting down!

I'm officially four days away from my due date! At this point, I'm not near as nervous as I was a few weeks ago. I think I've come to a peaceful realization that if I stay positive & strong, it'll help get me through labor & delivery. I'm a firm believer that maintaining a positive mind set can go a long way! 

The past week I've started getting pretty uncomfortable. He is getting heaving & now that he is dropping, it feels like I can barely walk or that he could just fall out at any time! Haha // my nights are getting interesting too. Shawn wakes up from a dead sleep offering to help me get out of bed every two hours. This belly is no joke! I can tell that baby boy has way less room now, but he still squirms just as much! Everyone said I would start to feel him less during this last month, but I'm pretty sure he took that as a challenge! I feel him non-stop! I can almost grab onto his little feet. I'm not complaining though- he makes me so happy, even when he keeps me up til 4 am practicing his moves! 

I think I am actually starting to get kind of emotional about not being able to feel him in my belly soon. I know that having him here will be the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me, but I know for sure that I'll miss it. I feel like I've really embraced every aspect of my pregnancy though. Rarely have any complaints- even through the hard times. I love feeling his movements, hiccups & stretches! It feels like just yesterday I was getting excited over his little flutters, & now he is big n strong, ready to come out & change our whole life! 

Oh, & for anyone who is wondering about visiting us when he's born- we plan on only having our immediate family visit at the hospital. Once we are home & feeling up to it, we will have friends come visit! I know it's a bummer to wait, but I don't feel bad cause he is ours & we want to experience the first few days just us three. I will not be giving out info on our hospital or room number & our family is being advised not to either. I have already had some interesting responses to our plan, but I seriously don't feel even a little guilty. We still love you all, but we want him to ourselves for a bit. :)

Update on baby - we had our appointment today! I've only progressed a little but I'm up to 2 centimeters dilated & 50% effaced. He did a membrane sweep & I've already been feeling quite crampy from that. We are hoping he will come on or before his due date! I have my next appointment the day after he's due, but hopefully I won't have to go to that one & he'll be here already! 

Mango icee in hand- walking the canyon to get this boy out!

Me & my handsome - just waitin' on our little fella. [hopin' he looks just like his daddy] 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pregnancy Q's & Bump Update

||Pregnancy Questions||

How far along?  38 weeks

Stretch marks?  Yes!

Sleep? Sadly, my sleep is getting worse every night. It's just hard to stay comfortable!

Miss anything? REAL sushi. I've been on a sushi kick & California Rolls are getting old!

Movement? All the time - especially now that Daddy is home. He goes crazy in there when he talks.

Cravings? Maybe the sushi is considered a craving? But not really, mostly ice water still!

Belly button- in or out? Still mostly flat, the top pops out sometimes though.

Feeling? So ready to be a mama! 

I know you guys are probably ready for me to stop posting about my belly and all these crazy questions, but now that I'm so close to my due date, I want to update as much as I can! This pregnancy is almost over- which completely blows my mind! Did it fly by to everyone else too? At the beginning, 40 weeks sounds like a lifetime but before you know it, you're nesting & just waiting for the baby. Ah! I'm so excited to NOT feel the nesting instinct though, I just want to relax! I'm always doing some kind of project. Cleaning baseboards, sanitizing the whole apartment- every day. Everything is so organized! I thought I was bad before, but WOW.

One thing I've noticed the past couple weeks is that I'm very anti-social! [I'm sorry to anyone who feels like I'm a bad friend.] I'm so scatterbrained, and the only thing I can think about is the upcoming weeks, and becoming a mother. It's hard for me to focus on anything else. I've talked to a few mom friends, & they all say they were the same way! Now that my hubby is home, its probably worse too. I just want to cuddle up with him, talk to our boy, and wait for him to arrive! 

Oh! I can't believe I forgot to mention my new blog design! I have been following/obsessing over this awesome girl, Heidi on Instagram for a little over a year now, and she agreed to help my ideas come to life! She did even better than I imagined. I'm completely obsessed with my logo/header. You should all check out her blog here! She is definitely a jack of all trades- you will love her! 

Anywho, I guess the only other update I have is that I went to the Dr yesterday & I've only dilated a 1/2 centimeter since last week. I'm starting to think he's pretty cozy in there! Every girl I know is either having their baby early or they are on the verge of it. Even ones due after me! It's pure torture. I really just want to hold my baby boy. I love being pregnant & I need to enjoy these last few weeks being just with Shawn but I think we are both getting anxious at this point. Come on, little guy!! 

Even my niece is ready for him. ;)

〈〈 38 weeks 〉〉

ready for you, baby boy. 

I've been away from my handsome husband for 6 weeks & he finally got home two nights ago! I'm so happy to have my other half back- I was starting to go crazy! It's such a relief that now he will be here whenever our son decides to make his grand appearance! I've been so worried that I would go into labor early & I would have to do it all without him by my side. I feel so blessed. I can't believe we will be a family of three in just a couple weeks! 

Everything is ready for our little man at this point! I've almost finished washing all his things & started packing our hospital bag. I'm hoping to have everything done by my 39 week mark. Ah, where has my pregnancy gone?! This strong baby boy will be out of my belly & in my arms before we know it. I am so, so excited! 

My nights have definitely started getting more uncomfortable, which was expected- especially with how close I am. It's just getting more awkward & hard to switch from side to side. Then I almost get up 6 times a night, regardless of how much I drink! When I actually sleep, it's good sleep though. But as for right now, he is doing some intense karate moves in my belly & making it far too amusing & ticklish for me to sleep! I have Braxton Hicks a TON throughout the day & night. I don't think they hurt, they are mostly just tense & my belly clenching makes it hard to move. I've been drinking lots of Raspberry Leaf Tea & I think it makes me have even more mini contractions.  I've heard great things about the wonders of the tea & it makes me happy cause it tastes sensational. It doesn't take much to please me in the tea department though, I love most teas. No sugar, no honey- just tea. Aaahhhh :)

Pregnancy has been such an amazing journey & I think it's definitely been the greatest thing I've ever experienced. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I have fallen asleep smiling every night. He is the most incredible blessing. He has already changed me in countless ways - & I can't wait to see the ways he continues to change me. Becoming his mama bear will be the greatest adventure -I can't wait to meet this little cub.