
Friday, May 30, 2014

Transitioning to Mama Bear

Being a mother is seriously the best thing. Ever. I know it sounds cliche- but I've never felt more comfortable in my own skin. He has changed me 100%. He motivates me to be a better person, not just a better mom. I find myself getting emotional over anything to do with family. It is really the most beautiful blessing. Now that he's here, I can't imagine my life without him. I don't know how my mornings were ever happy without waking up to his cute little toothless smile.

Before Hudson, my days consisted of sleeping in til noon, drinking coffee til 3, working out, cleaning, making dinner & playing on Pinterest all day. Then my weekends were going on adventures with my hubby & taking lots of naps! I had no idea how boring I was. I told Shawn just last night that I've always fantasized about being a mom, and how much fun I would have with my baby- but now, I fantasize about my white cloud-like bed & a long nap. He reminded me that I've been the queen of sleep for years & that I lived it up before becoming a mama. Haha // he also made a comment about how nice it is for me to be tired at 9 instead of bugging him to stay up and watch movies with me every night, like I used to. Granted, Hudson has started sleeping through the night & it has been heavenly but I wake up naturally, just to check on him. Mom senses are no joke! 

We are getting pretty used to his schedule & it makes planning outings much easier! Although, I'm still trying to get used to trying to nurse in public. It is so awkward, and Hudson isn't crazy about being completely covered! Every morning, I go running/walking at the park & Hud absolutely loves it. He usually sleeps, but when he's awake, he is SO happy listening to all the different birds chirping! Seeing him in the stroller helps me push myself harder too- sounds crazy, but I remind myself that I gave birth to that little cutie & labor is much harder than running up a hill! While giving birth, my mom kept telling me "You can do hard things!!" & I say it to myself all the time. Not just when I'm working out! Not every day is heaven with a baby, sometimes he is a fussy little punk & doesn't want to do anything but yell at my boob & fuss when he's not nursing! So on those days, I've learned to get some snacks, turn on a movie & just love on him! I'm tellin' you, it took me a while to figure out how to be patient. I can't even tell you how many times I called my mom crying about how I couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom & it was 5 o'clock & I still hadn't eaten! Haha I'm so glad that he's more content & actually likes being in his monkey chair so I can have a break!

It is so crazy that my baby will be 10 weeks tomorrow! Every day goes by so quick. He is already growing out of newborn clothes & wears size 1 diapers- almost ready for the next size. Ah!! Where has the time gone? He talks to me all day & has started watching animated movies with me! I can lay him down on his boppy & he will just lay there amazed at the screen, sucking on his fist! He is obsessed with his hands lately! It's the funniest thing! Instead of waking up crying, I can hear him sucking on his hands. Its so cute to wake up to! He is getting so chunky, I am always nibbling on his rolls & kissing his chubby cheeks! He already gives me looks like I'm crazy whenever I smooch him all over his face! I love it so much. He is the cutest thing in the world!

I'm still working on my Labor & Delivery story- it's taking me forever! There is just so much to tell & I don't want to forget little details! It already seems like I'm forgetting some of it! My mind is just all over the place. That's one thing I wish I had done right after I had him! So, advice to other new mama's- write it down! They sleep so much the first few weeks & there's definitely time! I still had such a strong nesting instinct the first couple weeks so in my spare time, I was deep cleaning everything & doing laundry. Don't do that. Haha it doesn't help you heal any sooner & you'll be even more drained! It's so funny how during all the painful contractions, I kept thinking I only wanted one kid now, because it hurt so bad! But then after the whole experience was over & he was in my arms- I wanted to do it all over again. Its so amazing. Ah. That's another bit of advice for new mama's // Don't let horror stories about L&D scare you- it will hurt, you will feel like it is impossible to get that baby out of you, but you're made for this! I remember I was most nervous about being spread eagle in front of people, but once its happening, you don't even notice because your mind is completely focused on getting your little sweetheart out! 

Anyway, I'm getting anxious now that Hudson has been napping for two hours. I'm ready to play with my baby!! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Life with baby Hudson

Our new life as a family has been an absolute dream. My whole life, I imagined what it would be like to be a mother- I could have never imagined that it would be this amazing. Don't get me wrong, it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life - but it's getting easier! The first 6 weeks were rough! I never knew how crazy lack of sleep can make you. Hudson has been such a good baby, though. The hard parts have mostly been due to my post partum hormones! The hormones gave me a rash that is just barely going away! It got worse the more I nursed! Luckily, it's started to go away now that my hormones have evened out!

Hudson is such a happy & smart baby! I love spending my days with him - watching him learn & seeing his big smile everytime I talk to him. It's hard to believe that he's almost 8 weeks old! Days go by so quick! 

Our life has been so blessed with this little boy. Everything revolves around him. We lay down in bed, just talking & watching him! Shawn is such a great dad - it's made me fall more in love with him everyday! He helps so much & is willing to do anything so this mama can relax. He leaves the house at 5 am & sometimes gets home as late as 8! After a long day, he still takes Hudson & makes me go for a drive or brings me flowers & chocolate. We've learned so much about each other through this experience & became closer than ever. I couldn't imagine sharing a life with anyone else. I feel so honored to be his wife & to be Hudson's mother. 

I've been writing my Labor & Delivery story & I'm hoping to share it soon! Finding time to blog is much different now - how do all these moms do it?! Total rockstars. Adjusting to a schedule revolving around a newborn has been interesting. But, I can't wait to share his birth story with all of you!