
Friday, June 6, 2014

Every night, after we've put Hudson to bed- we lay down & talk about how amazing he is. Look through all our pictures/videos & of course, I usually find an excuse to go check on him. It's also like that when he naps during the day! I love the break & being able to get stuff done, but I feel like half of me isn't there because he's not awake & I can't see that little boy's face light up when I'm kissing him & telling him how much I love him. There is no better feeling. 

This week he experienced Brother Bear for the first time - & for those of you that don't know, that's one of my favorites! His reaction honestly made me cry. I'm ridiculous- these mama emotions are insane. Hudson was kicking, smiling, making noises, yelling & laughing! I couldn't even handle the cuteness. It's so fun to watch him experience things like that. Another thing he learned this week is how to pop his tongue! We do it back n forth all the time now. He gets the biggest smile when I do it!

I adore seeing him grow & learn, but it is definitely bittersweet. I wish I could freeze time! He is getting so big & developing the sweetest personality. I love him more, every day! We always talk about how slow time goes by those last few weeks, waiting for our boy & how once he was born, time just sped up! Days pass so quickly. I'm really hoping that once we get settled into our new place, time will slow down! But for now, I'll embrace every second- because I know these little moments will pass.

Oh, we found a new place! We have moved so many times since Hudson was born! I'm hoping this is the last time for a while. Our apartment is in a 4-plex, the exterior is pink & it needs a little work before we feel completely at home there! Tonight we are re painting the interior. This weekend we will move in, but there will still be remodeling going on. The beginning of the week, we have someone putting in new flooring in the kitchen & bathroom. Along with us installing new cabinets & countertops! I'm pretty excited to have a project & make it feel like home, but I can't wait to get it all done! I have been thrifting so much lately - finding all sortsa treasures for our new home. I'll have to post pictures when things get more settled! 

Shawn has been working 6 days a week & still coming home to go do work on the new place - I don't know what I would ever do without him. He still manages to be sweet as ever & even rock Hudson to sleep so I can lay down & relax. That hubby of mine is a total babe. 

holding on with his hand & foot

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

[ 2 months ]

my little man is growing more every day - & I'm falling more n more in love with him.