
Tuesday, February 3, 2015


So I've always gone back & forth about how much of my life I share on social media & my blog. Not because I care about people's opinion of me & my family, but because it terrifies me not knowing who sees it. Because of things I experienced as a child, I have a problem trusting people & how much I share with them. But, lately I have felt so strongly that I should be more fearless. I can't stop writing & documenting because I'm scared sometimes. When I look back & read my posts about my pregnancy, I'm SO glad I shared as much as I did. It helps me relive those precious moments. 

I have been so inspired by some of the blogs I've been reading lately. I love finding new mom's to follow & learn from. I find little things to take from each one of them, to help me be a better mother. I hope to inspire other women the exact same way. 

I think that I get scared to share my opinion or outlook, but I've decided that if someone doesn't like it, they can just stop reading. I can't wait to start sharing more experiences with all of you!