
Friday, February 20, 2015

slow process

I slacked off quite a bit during the holidays & I am definitely paying for it now! I still weigh less than I did before the holidays, but I don't even care about the numbers on the scale! Feeling confident & sexy is really all that matters! I have been back on track (for the most part) & it is kicking my butt. I'm trying to change it up every week- rotating between lifting, HIIT, yoga/Pilates, cardio, etc. I can already see a huge difference. I get bored pretty quick if I only stick to one type of exercise! The closer spring gets, the more motivation I have! I can't wait to go running outside again & do outdoor workouts with my little guy playing in the grass! 

I think, like most people, it's hard to be patient with yourself! It's hard to keep pushing, waiting for big results! That's why I'm glad I threw my scale away. It's so easy to become obsessed with that stupid number. After having Hudson, my body has changed! I never knew what it was like to have no muscle in my belly. I didn't know what it was like to look frumpy in workout clothes or have to tuck my loose belly into stretchy pants & cover up with a big sweater. It sucks! I give props to all the people who have pushed through, cause seriously, eating some donuts & watching Netflix just sounds so much better sometimes. But I've witnessed so many people power through & become the happiest, confident, people. So it's worth it!! It's a long, slow process. But there is a light at the end of a tunnel. Hopefully one that leads to being fit & also eating a donut. Haha balance. Balance is key.