
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

\\ 10 months

I don't even know where to begin!! This boy is a ball of energy & fun. The older he gets, the more his personality develops & I absolutely love it!! He is hilarious! Lately he has been doing anything to make us laugh! He fake laughs, throws his head back, leans over like he can't handle the laughter & even claps his hands. He knows how to wave, say "hey" & points at things he wants or just random things in the air. He loves American flags, balloons, & women. Oh man- I am in for it, you guys. He is such a flirt! We went to dinner the other night & the waitress was hysterically laughing every time she came to the table. He would watch for her, wave, flash her his big toothy grin & bang on the table. I love how happy he is! Everywhere we go, he makes new friends. I've never known such a beautiful, energetic little spirit!

During his 10th month, he got his first stomach bug. It was so sad - it broke my heart to see him that way. I was so glad that it only lasted 24 hours! While he was sick, he also cut 4 top teeth! So he has 6 now! He still doesn't like very many solid foods other than organic yogi bites, applesauce, sweet potatoes & any type of fruit! I'm not pushing too much on getting him on lots of food. We do everything at our own speed & he is still nursing like a champ. 

Dislikes - wearing clothes, having socks on (like his mama), being told "no!", mashed potatoes, being put down when he's tired or just waking up, when I take anything from him, & barking dogs.

Loves- cabinets, anything that has wheels or he can push, anything he can use as a drum, appliances, old remotes, pretending like he's driving the car, pillows, peek-a-boo, & cuddling with mom n dad when he's sleepy. 

He has taken about 10 steps on his own. We practice every day! He gets so excited & starts waving his arms around that he usually falls down. Haha he's really slow n steady with his walking tough- he doesn't just take off. He practices balance with each step he takes!

Every age has been so much fun- I love having new adventures & being able to do more with him & watch his personality grow! He is so contagious - it makes this journey that much more fun! I love my happy, crazy, little cub.